Τετάρτη 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

Magic Online, mirrodin besieged prerelease!!! NO thanks!

Mirrodin besieged is launching on magic online this week!Those of us who want to play with the new cards can now do so online for the first time!So lets see how we can participate in the mirrodin besieged prerelease events!

Prerelease events consist of two basic tournament types:
Mirrodin besieged prerelease swiss sealed flights, paying 30 event tickets and using our mirran war mark or a phyrexian on we can enter one of this events.We will be given 3 scars of mirrodin boosters and 3 "faction" affiliated boosters(i guess they ll use the print run of the faction boosters that were used in the paper prerelease) an play a four round swiss event.The water marks is something new in magic online and anyone who has logged in the last 12 months will receive 3 water marks to play in the specific events, any prerelease event that uses these watermarks will also pay out water marks to continue using them for future prerelease events!
The prize payout of these events are mediocre to say the least...Booster pack prizes according to match points each player has achieved are as stated here:

Match PointsPrizesQPs
1210 Mirrodin Besieged booster packs3
9Mirrodin Besieged booster packs1
6Mirrodin Besieged booster pack0

This means you will pay 30 tickets for the maximum chance to get 10 mirrodin besieged boosters you will be able to use NOWHERE in the first few days apart from selling them at the lowest price possible at some bots that will emerge as always to make profit from the prerelease.
All these if you go 4-0 as a good 3-1 will pay you back just 4 boosters ,in comparison to the daily events 6 packs that is also far bellow what any player should be expecting!
So if you are playing for prizes stay away from those tournaments as their payout is BAD.You could perhaps make some tix if you open a good mythic or two,they will be overpriced for the first few hours as there will be few tezzeret and sword of feast and famine around and a lot of people who will pay good to get them fast.
Oh and i almost forgot, each participant will get a bonus glissa where a 3-1 or better will get a bonus foil one,considering the worthless mythic a 1 tix for the foil version value i believe that this bonus prize doesnt make any difference.It has been since worldwake that we have seen such a bad prerelease card anyway...No hero of bladehold for anyone...That one might have been worth a bit more that's why i guess.

You thought the 4-3-2-2 drafts were stealing a pack from players?(considering 8-4 and swiss tha gave you 12 packs 4-3-2-2 gave out 11 packs).Now presenting you the new
Mirrodin besieged 8-player swiss draft queues!
You just have to give 20 event tickets and you can enter a mirrodin besieged ONLY booster pack draft that guarantees the lowest quality drafting with a set of a few cards to deck build and of cource the following booster prizes:

Match PointsPrizesQPs
9Mirrodin Besieged booster packs1
6Mirrodin Besieged booster packs0
3Mirrodin Besieged booster pack0

So if you win the  draft you will get yourself 4 booster packs when having paid 20 event tickets to just enter....
You also get that 'useful' glissa promo and if you win the draft you get a bonus foil one!That is you spend 20 tickets to play a mirrodin besieged draft that is not meant for drafting on its own and if you win you will get yourself some one tix promo and four packs that will be useless unless you sell them somewhere at a really low price....
You will be given some mirran and phyrexian watermarks too....One of each to be presice.The boosters wont be faction affiliated if that makes any difference.We wont see any of those booster packs online!

So prerelease is going on for the next days on magic online, it is paying worse than any event would and even the worst tournament organiser abusing prizses wouldnt dare to pay out for the money needed to play those events...
I would strongly advice against playing any of those events as it is almost as wizards is cheating on players having huge entry fees and paying out almost nothing in return!It is hard even if you win to make enough to reenter such an event and all they are giving is a bulk mythic...So mirrodin besieged is launching and you want to play magic?Sell those watermarks if it will be allowed trading them away and stuff and go draft zendikar...At least it has money rares...!

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