Σάββατο 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

Momir basic Tactics.

Momir basic is a format for the magic online platform.All you need is a 60 land deck and a momir avatar to have what it takes to play in a momir tournament.The fee for this tournament is a mere 6 event tickets and the prize payout is worth it!

The game is as follows, both players begin at 24 life total and all you have to do is win your opponent in a match of best out of three.
To summon creatures to win your opponent you need to trigger the activated ability of momir , use (x) mana and discard a land card.The mana you use on (X) configures the converted mana cost of the creature that will come to fight on your side.The creature that will hit the floor will be a random spawn from all creatures printed on magic online.So this event is by a great factor based on your luck rather than skill but there are a few tips that can get the luck factor more on your side.
Let's come across some battlefield tactics on momir basic.
First of all you should avoid one drops as it is kind of hard to find a creature that will provide enough to change the outcome of the game apart from perhaps a mana pusher like a bird of paradise or a noble hierarch but other than that there are no reasons to discard a land so early as you will need it for a later summon.
Later on 2-drops till 6-drops  you will have to hope for creatures with evasion that will inflict some damage and provide something for your opponent to worry about as removal are out of the question in this format.
Flying , shadow , fear , horsemanship are huge at those drops and they can win the game before your opponents spawn some serious threats.I woulds advice on missing early drops as it has occured again that a kargan dragonlord finishes the game by turn 5.

While playing momir you should have one thing in mind.8 drops!
8 Drops most of the time come down as bombs like demons angels or huge creatures ready to claw your opponents to lower than zero life.So be careful not to waste lands at earlier turns and have nothing to pose one your opponents late drops as if you played creatures from your first round you most possibly will stall around turn 6 or 7.

Your mana base is something of importance as you can even go for 12 of each land type or use just swamps and mountains that are usefull for most damaging abilities and so avoid being struck by islandwalk and forestwalk creatures that might appear now and then and give your opponents the win.By chosing to use some land types and not all you should also forget paying upkeep costs for creatures that require colours that your mana base may miss.This will happen once or twice but at least you will just miss a drop or two on the whole tournament while using red or black will come in handy almost once or two in every match.

The prize payout factor on Momir basic on magic onlince.
You will need 6 event tickets to enter a momir tourney and all from 3-1 and above will receive prizes.
Being 3-1 gives a 6  booster prize while being 4-0 gives a generous 11 booster prize.
In momir luck plays a major factor so lets say you have the average outcome and get paid 30% of the time, that means that for each 3 tourneys you enter you will receive 6 boosters at least or 24$ worth of boosters .
6 event tickets cost 6$ so a median outcome on momir tournaments will provide you with at least 8$ profit for each 3 tourneys you enter.
Luck is a factor but there are bad plays and bad players in momir so if you try and stay focused while playing you might receive even better results and improve your outcome on momir tournaments.

I believe that momir basic is an excellent way to make some profit on magic online which is on its own quite demanding as far as $ are concerned.
So if you are about playing some magic online and wanna have fun as well as earn some extra boosters i ld advice you to go grab a momir avatar and go for it.
Good luck at the modo queues!

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