Τετάρτη 6 Απριλίου 2011

Spending 200$ on a playset of karn the released is a bad idea!!

I have come across people on ebay spending 200$ on a playset of the new karn on presale!!!That is one of the worst investments i have come across on magic cards lately!Dont do that ,the set hasnt had a lot of cards spoiled and you should also consider that Karn is a card with seven converted mana cost and its type is planeswalker!!!

First of all 7 as a converted mana cost is something hard to reach in standard format ESPECIALLY when zendikar mana ramp rotates out of standard.(harrow, explore,overgrown battlement).Primeval titan hits the floor at six mana and most times he wins the game the next turn if not the turn it hits the battlefield.Karn doesnt do that.More than that you are not going to use karn as a four of at its mana cost.Seven is a lot of mana!!

Karn decks will emerge thats for sure , but 50$ each is more than the price of chase mythic the past sets.Koth settled at 25$, vengevine at 30$.Karn doesnt seem to be more than that even if it sees so much play.Which i doubt as seven mana will only make him see standard play.Extended , legacy and vintage is out of the question especially when people in legacy kill on turn one!

If there are more good mythics which i am certain karn will certainly have an average price ,with 50$ dollars i predict that you will be able to buy 2 or more karn the released after summer.This one i can bet on!Even if you have the money to invest on magic you should wait till more cards get spoiled and karns price drops as a presale.50 a card wasnt viable on jace the mind sculptor....How can it be on a seven mana plainswalker???

Bolas had similar extreme abilities as a planeswalker and saw little play,how could karn have a much better fate?

So wait till you see more!Dont hit buy blindfoldedly on every kewl planeswalker that shows around until he sees some play potential!!

Apart from that we might see the green planeswalker we are missing on new phyrexia,will Melira make an appearance?

If so will she be a four mana playable planeswalker and potentially the chase mythic of the set?So just dont spend half a jace on everything they throw at you!!!

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