Is primeval titan something you got bored of?Caw blade's Jace worth too much?Fauna quest's vengevines a card you are not willing to spend on?Br vampires sounds so easy to stop with day?Here we go with another deck braught by christian calcano at the pro tour paris!B/U vampires!Let's check the original list:
Christian Calcano's Blue-Black Vampires
This deck exploits the speed of vampires as far as damage is concerned with the addition of nantuko shade and a lot of discard and a way to protect your board,unified will.
Phyrexian revoker also promises to do a lot in stopping enemy gideon and fauna shamans from doing what they usually do, give their controller's a win once past their first untap step...
Along with our 23 creatures that dont go any further than the 2 (3 for gatekeeper of malakir ) range come 3 go for the throat to eliminate any creature that would give our enemies board advantage.
This deck poses severe difficulty being controlled and gives us the opportunity to deal early damage and protect our creature advantage.
Duress and inquisition of kozilek will give us info on our oponnents hand and will take away incoming stoneforge mystics before they bring the devastating sword of feast and famine.
Creeping tar pit will also get rid of those jaces as it will certainly creep under hawks to send enemy jaces to the bin or provide damage that can give as the win.
Another positive fact for this build is its low price range that makes it easy to build for the next local FNM.
Sideboard options
Dark tutelage:The bane of every control match up.It provides card advantage control decks cant cope with.If this one hits the board on time it will make things difficult for every control player to keep incoming threats back.
Disfigure:This card is our bullet for lotus cobra and other low power creatures that we will want out of the board on our early turns,kills goblin guide steppe lynxes and that annoying new hero boros has been using lately.It also is good for enemy tar pits and lavaclaw reaches .
Flashfreeze:Yes people are still using titans to fetch those valakuts..
Marsh Casualties:Stops hawks from going down as a team of potential blockers, stops boros and kuldotha red from explosive starts,it is a must sideboard plan for aggro matchups.
Skinrender:It is good for taking down enemy creatures and will give as another 3/3 body.Something we will need against heavy creature decks as a 2 for 1 solution.
Tectonic Edge:Celestial colonade and valakuts always make awesome targets for this one!
Wyrmcoil Engine:It is good against aggro decks and it has evasion against go for the throat.Once it hits the board it will make an excellent blocker or attacker if needed and will do great things to augment our life total.
This deck is not the power house caw-blade and boros level but it can pose decent matches against them.It is a deck most people wont be expecting to see once creeping tar pit appears and will give most of our opponents the impression we are playing blue white control.It also is able to stop day of judgement ,a card control is hoping to resolve most of the time in order to stabilize.Revoker is shutting down planeswalkers and nantuko shade can certainly get huge in order to resolve some devastating blows.
Possible innovations!
As the current metagame is sure getting a lot of hawks and blades or some boros attackers we will have to adopt to this environment in order to make this build more effective against those matchups.I believe that the addition of mana leak to the main board in the place of go for the throat would be a great addition in order to stop stone forge mystic and hawks from landing, it is also a great way to stop early ramp spells from valakut builds or people from bringing down artifacts and tezzeret.As long as go for the throat has been around people have been tending to build around it and this will possible make it impossible for us to remove enemy forgemaster stuff like engine or battlesphere.
If aggro deck is popular in our local tourneys duress is something that we should seriously consider replacing by the means of disfigure in the main board.
Steel sabotage might also come in handy as it is something most people wont be expecting and if played correctly it might give us a 5 mana tempo lead that can be crucial in a match against caw blade.Another use for steel sabotage is taking down ratchet bombs and really will help against tezzy decks that are bound to show up more and more...
Doom blade is a card that could also appear in this decklist as tezzeret decks will have no problem against go for the throat and who wants a dead three card package in their deck against a certain matchup?U/B is certainly down for "maintenance" due to sword of feast and famine so we arent fighting grave titans any time soon.
Jace beleren could also be an addition to this deck.Apart from hating the big jace card advantage it offers can be crucial against certain match ups.
Kalastria highborn is as mana dependent as nantuko shade so i wouldnt resist playtesting this build with her along especially against aggro decks that wont let us rely on unified will to leave mana open and where life gain will be a major factor on who will eventually win.
Those are some addition one might make depending on what he can be expecting to face on the tourneys he will attempt, there certainly a lot more tuning that can be done to this deck and its colours certainly offer many cards to be tested.This decklist certainly offers some goodies that can be exploited and be winning conditions.
In the end it is a deck WITH blue but WITHOUT Jace that calcano took to 7-3 on pro tour paris so why wouldnt it make a good option of a deck to run at a local tourney and expect to go well with?
Good luck sleeving this deck up and good luck!
Standard - Pro Tour Paris 2011
This deck exploits the speed of vampires as far as damage is concerned with the addition of nantuko shade and a lot of discard and a way to protect your board,unified will.
Phyrexian revoker also promises to do a lot in stopping enemy gideon and fauna shamans from doing what they usually do, give their controller's a win once past their first untap step...
Along with our 23 creatures that dont go any further than the 2 (3 for gatekeeper of malakir ) range come 3 go for the throat to eliminate any creature that would give our enemies board advantage.
This deck poses severe difficulty being controlled and gives us the opportunity to deal early damage and protect our creature advantage.
Duress and inquisition of kozilek will give us info on our oponnents hand and will take away incoming stoneforge mystics before they bring the devastating sword of feast and famine.
Creeping tar pit will also get rid of those jaces as it will certainly creep under hawks to send enemy jaces to the bin or provide damage that can give as the win.
Another positive fact for this build is its low price range that makes it easy to build for the next local FNM.
Sideboard options
Dark tutelage:The bane of every control match up.It provides card advantage control decks cant cope with.If this one hits the board on time it will make things difficult for every control player to keep incoming threats back.
Disfigure:This card is our bullet for lotus cobra and other low power creatures that we will want out of the board on our early turns,kills goblin guide steppe lynxes and that annoying new hero boros has been using lately.It also is good for enemy tar pits and lavaclaw reaches .
Flashfreeze:Yes people are still using titans to fetch those valakuts..
Marsh Casualties:Stops hawks from going down as a team of potential blockers, stops boros and kuldotha red from explosive starts,it is a must sideboard plan for aggro matchups.
Skinrender:It is good for taking down enemy creatures and will give as another 3/3 body.Something we will need against heavy creature decks as a 2 for 1 solution.
Tectonic Edge:Celestial colonade and valakuts always make awesome targets for this one!
Wyrmcoil Engine:It is good against aggro decks and it has evasion against go for the throat.Once it hits the board it will make an excellent blocker or attacker if needed and will do great things to augment our life total.
This deck is not the power house caw-blade and boros level but it can pose decent matches against them.It is a deck most people wont be expecting to see once creeping tar pit appears and will give most of our opponents the impression we are playing blue white control.It also is able to stop day of judgement ,a card control is hoping to resolve most of the time in order to stabilize.Revoker is shutting down planeswalkers and nantuko shade can certainly get huge in order to resolve some devastating blows.
Possible innovations!
As the current metagame is sure getting a lot of hawks and blades or some boros attackers we will have to adopt to this environment in order to make this build more effective against those matchups.I believe that the addition of mana leak to the main board in the place of go for the throat would be a great addition in order to stop stone forge mystic and hawks from landing, it is also a great way to stop early ramp spells from valakut builds or people from bringing down artifacts and tezzeret.As long as go for the throat has been around people have been tending to build around it and this will possible make it impossible for us to remove enemy forgemaster stuff like engine or battlesphere.
If aggro deck is popular in our local tourneys duress is something that we should seriously consider replacing by the means of disfigure in the main board.
Steel sabotage might also come in handy as it is something most people wont be expecting and if played correctly it might give us a 5 mana tempo lead that can be crucial in a match against caw blade.Another use for steel sabotage is taking down ratchet bombs and really will help against tezzy decks that are bound to show up more and more...
Doom blade is a card that could also appear in this decklist as tezzeret decks will have no problem against go for the throat and who wants a dead three card package in their deck against a certain matchup?U/B is certainly down for "maintenance" due to sword of feast and famine so we arent fighting grave titans any time soon.
Jace beleren could also be an addition to this deck.Apart from hating the big jace card advantage it offers can be crucial against certain match ups.
Kalastria highborn is as mana dependent as nantuko shade so i wouldnt resist playtesting this build with her along especially against aggro decks that wont let us rely on unified will to leave mana open and where life gain will be a major factor on who will eventually win.
Those are some addition one might make depending on what he can be expecting to face on the tourneys he will attempt, there certainly a lot more tuning that can be done to this deck and its colours certainly offer many cards to be tested.This decklist certainly offers some goodies that can be exploited and be winning conditions.
In the end it is a deck WITH blue but WITHOUT Jace that calcano took to 7-3 on pro tour paris so why wouldnt it make a good option of a deck to run at a local tourney and expect to go well with?
Good luck sleeving this deck up and good luck!
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