The winner?One deck tech known to most of us after worlds... its name? Caw go!
Ben stark won the pro tour using this specific list , a varience from what has been known to us as Caw go at worlds forth!
The list is the following:
Pro Tour Paris Top 8, Standard
It is pretty much the list of kibler-Nelson at worlds with the addition of stoneforge mystic,one of each of the new swords , a life giving sylvok lifestaff ,some baneslayers ,oust and divine offering at the sideboard plan and of cource Ratchet bombs!
This deck has the power house Jace tms and abuses its brainstorm ability with a lot of shuffling thanks to fetch lands , squadron hawks and the newest addition of stoneforge mystic!
The strategy of the deck is board control until you can get some of your hawks, gideon or celestial colonade swinging with weaponry and giving you significant advantage untapping your lands and then playing as a permission deck would during the opponents turn!
The deck can easily control games with mana leaks and board sweepers as doj, fog effects from gideon and all that with the tremendous card advantage jace gives.
Winnie decks have to kill you really fast or resort to playing around Doj when you have all the time to defend with chump blocking hawks untill gideon lands to give you the game...
Ratchet bomb in the sideboard is also an extremelly usefull addition to stop the new signal pest winnie decks that will be around in the next months for sure!
Valakut and ramp decks have great difficulty with the new sword that will take their cards at crucial parts of the game when they will be trying to play their combo , spell pierce main is really devastating early ramp spell and potential summoning traps and the new green sun zenit really leaves the deck unaffected as it will be really hard for it to get past through mana leaks and spell pierce.
I believe this deck offers great stability with its tutoring and card drawing, it can do extremelly well vs winnie decks with ratchet bombs and dojs, vs ramp decks due to counterspells and early swings and control due to its swords that are the bane of enemy control decks.It will surely be dominating standard for the next months and is surely one of the archetypes that will follow us till october when the rotation occurs.
So if you happen to own some jace and gideon i would advice you to start practicing this built for upcoming tournaments as piloting this deck can certainly get you to a lot good tourney finishes or even wins!
Some other facts i would like to mention about the past pro tour.
Tezzeret WASNT all that owesome in the pt paris , chapin is a good player and the deck something new, for from that tezzy decks of the builts we have seen are for certain weak and i wouldnt advice ANYONE to buy a tezzeret at the current outrageous rate of 50$..
I , speaking for myself , would trade away all tezzeret agent of bolas i own at their rate now that they are overestimated like ... A LOT!.
U/B control will have a great difficulty copying with the new winnie decks and now that the sword of feast and famine is out there they will have terrible time stopping creatures bearing the sword or both swords so it is high time you should be trading those grave titans away...
Signal goblins will certainly be the 20-25% of every tournament as it is cheap and viable an you can now get your goblin guides at the new event decks released by wizards soon!
Mirrodin besieged has left its impact on type 2 in the form of sword of feast and famine...Jace decks arent going away any time in the near future so if you want things to change on type 2 you should wait till "action" comes out.
Till then i would advice you to get your hands of caw-go!It is an excellent deck to pilot at any tourney and fun to play!
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